Luke and Devin have to suffer through a disappointing What If with Daredevil and Doctor Strange but then things get amazing with Tony Stark, Sorcerer Supreme. And Kamala Khan’s fanfiction universe shows up!
Universes and Issues Explored:
Earth-3971 – What If Vol 2 #83
Earth-9810 – What If Vol 2 #113
- Earth-? – Ms Marvel Vol 3 #1
Send stuff in to us!
Crowdfunding Patreon next week!
- Check the image gallery below.
Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.
- Hey, you can already tell how much agency the women in this story have.
- The art was damn good.
- I mean that is a cool evil Daredevil.
- Her name was Lucidna, I thought as I crashed through glass
- Innuendo.
- The Ancient One’s for fools! Fools and liberals.
- You can read Matt’s emotions through his eyes.
- Just like my life. If not for the podcast.
- “Are you sure you don’t want a little war?”
- This is a cool splash page.
- Well you only need vivisection with a surgeon’s touch if you want the patient to survive.
- And then they boned! (unfortunately not)
- I’ve not been crying, I’ve just been chopping onions! (I’m making a lasagna … for one!)
- Fresh Young Techno Mage!
- Elsewhere Wong is doing Wong stuff?
- Teminator vision!
- Autoposing magic fights!
- Doctor of Cleaning!
- “Ugh praise! I’d rather get in a car accident.”
- Tony Stark, Magic Power Gamer!
- Tony, you are fantastic!
- Literally the best!
- And that looks pretty great!
- *cut to a bunch of Hulks waiting for Dormammu*
- As opposed to what? A doppelganger Doctor Strange?
- The problem with using wishes to travel somewhere else.
- “These magic snakes won’t help my hands at all, you say?”
- See you later bro!
- So Strange gets to be … a magic peasant?
- Ms. Marvel’s Avengers Fanfiction! Canonical!
- Next week! Holiday Road!