Episode 80 – Luke: JLA: Poorly Aged Sexism

Luke and Bri talk about the Super Buddies, I Can’t Believe It’s Not The Justice League, poorly aged humor, strip clubs with slut shaming, the damnation to hell, and ultimately Final Crisis. Luke is very sorry.

Don’t Forget To Vote On The Twitter for who did better and therefore gets to rank Justice Riders

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  • Earth–? – JLA Classified #8-9


Check out the image gallery after the jump!

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Episode 80 – Devin: Uncle Ben Has An Open Carry License

Devin and Lorenzo sit down to talk Silk, time travel, Back to the Future references, dead parents, spider bites, Delta Dental Insurance, sad pancakes, Chronosaurus Rex and getting free stuff.

Don’t Forget To Vote On The Twitter for who did better and therefore gets to rank Justice Riders

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  • Earth–567 –Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect #1-4


  • Luke did not sabotage the audio, Devin just had recording issues.

Check out the image gallery after the jump:

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Episode 79: In The Wild, Wild West

Luke and Devin go on a hootenanny to the Wild Wild West with Civil War Batman and the Justice Riders, get into discussions about racism, and then an important change that will forever change the podcast comes – in the wild, wild west.

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  • Earth–? – Batman: The Blue, The Grey, and the Bat
  • Pre-52 Earth-18 – Justice Riders #1


  • Kyle’s 4th West is up here!

Check out the image gallery after the jump!

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Episode 78: Chikara King of Trios Avengers Academy Special 2016

Luke and David get together during Chikara’s King of Trios with a few other people to talk about Avengers Academy for the mobile devices, the difficulties of not spending money on games, the fantastic Wasp, better versions of characters, the strange lack of a comic adaptation, Howard the Duck, and more.

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  • Earth–? – Avengers Academy Mobile Game


Our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan and our cover art is by Kyle Latino.

Check out the image gallery after the jump (thanks David)

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Episode 77: House Of M What Ifs

Luke and Devin wrap up coverage of House of M by discussing the What if stories which includes Tony putting his friends inside drones, snuff friend-fiction, sexism and some very strong bottom shooters.
Universes and Issues Explored: 

  • Earth9021 – What If? House of M
  • Earth-10298 – What If? Spider-man: House of M
  • Earth-81029 – What If? Spider-man: House of M
  • Earth-?s – What If? Spider-man: House of M


  • Luke is tired after wrestling. Check out the War Rocket Ajax with him here.

Our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan and our cover art is by Kyle Latino.

Check out the image gallery after the jump

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