Episode 7: Age of Ultron – no, not that one.

Luke and Devin discuss the comics event The Age of Ultron and then lots of comics that are better than age of Ultron. Also Luke found out how to do the volume on the recorder so the volume is up!

Universes and Issues Explored:

1. Earth 61112 – Age of Ultron – Age of Ultron #1-6
2. Earth 26111 – Age of Morgana Le Fay – Age of Ultron #6-12

Plus tie ins:
Avengers Assemble – #14 AU, #15 AU
Fantastic Four – #5 AU
The Fearless Defenders – #4 AU
Superior Spider-man – #6 AU
Ultron – #1 AU
Uncanny Avengers – #8 AU
Wolverine and the X-men – #27 AU


Luke figured out the volume so the episodes will be louder now! Score!

Also Wednesday we will be having Daredevil special where we discuss the TV show so see you then!



Episode 6: Wolverine Wins at Karaoke

Universes and Issues Explored:

1. Earth 8649 – Exiles Vol 1, 3-4
2. Earth ? – Spyderman – Reader Question


  • I love Waiting For The T. Here is the specific strip I was referencing.
  • The Marvel Wikia denotes that Beast and Nightcrawler are dead in Earth 8649. We have reached out to Judd Winnick to try and get official confirmation for this because while we forgot Beast was in the Trial of the Phoenix, he and Nightcrawler should have not been murdered by the Phoenix.
  • We also …Luke also feels like an idiot since he just discovered how to increase the input on the recorder so that will help with volume level and quality. Sorry for the wonky audio on this episode – we want to get a regular recording space but it has been difficult. But the next episode will be better.

We are going to be doing our Age of Ultron What If Special as well as a Daredevil TV show special.

Episode 5: The Third Nail’s The Charm

Luke and Devin discuss Justice League: The Nail and Another Nail, purposefully get Greg Lantern’s name wrong, meet the arch-nemesis of the show and declare the best couple in the comic book universe.

Universes and Issues Explored:

1. Earth ? – Justice League: The Nail, Another Nail

Universes Mentioned:

  1. Earth-3 – Crime Society Universe – Seen in Another Nail
  2. Earth-4 – Charlton Universe – we see the Atom- Seen in Another Nail
  3. Earth-5/S – Fawcett Universe/Thunderworld- Seen in Another Nail
  4. Earth-12 – Inferior Five- Seen in Another Nail
  5. Earth-86 – possibly – Alt Version of the Atom- Seen in Another Nail
  6. Earth-? – T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents/Tower Comics- Seen in Another Nail
  7. probably a few other ones that we are missing.

Episode 4: Watcher Kaiju Battle

The dubious ransom of President The Watcher Eisenhower, The Watcher dies in a Kaiju monster battle, Reed Richards is the god of Prog Rock, and we introduce The Agents of Atlas, sort of.

Universes and Issues Explored:

1. Earth 9904 – What If Vol 1 #9
2. Earth 929 – What If Vol 2 #41
3. Earth 9290 – What If Vol 2 #41
4. Earth 9291 – What If Vol 2 #41

Universes Mentioned:

1. Earth 616 – Because Agents of Atlas
2. Earth 20051 – because Agents of Atlas again