Episode 15: Mapone Zone

Luke and Devin try to find out what Mapone means along with Ben Urich in Daredevil End of Days and they discuss other characters they’d love to see set 20 years in the future.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. Earth-12121 – Daredevil: End of Days #1-8


Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.

Episode 14: The All “Comedy” Special

Luke and Devin tackle a What If All Comedy Special and hit new lows. Luke also had to resist putting crickets in through the entire podcast. This is all anti-comedy. Now we can get on RadioFunnys and ComicBookBangBang.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. Earth 92201 – What If Vol 2 #34
  2. Earth 92202 – What If Vol 2 #34
  3. Earth 34922 – What If Vol 2 #34
  4. Earth TRN135 – What If Vol 2 #34
  5. Earth TRN136 – What If Vol 2 #34
  6. Earth 89110 – What If Vol 2 #34
  7. Earth 92207 – What If Vol 2 #34
  8. Earth 29234 – What If Vol 2 #34
  9. Earth 23492 – What If Vol 2 #34
  10. Earth 92210 – What If Vol 2 #34
  11. Earth TRN137 – What If Vol 2 #34
  12. Earth 9202 – What If Vol 2 #34
  13. Earth 3492 – What If Vol 2 #34
  14. Earth 51834 – What If Vol 2 #34
  15. Earth 62992 – What If Vol 2 #34
  16. Earth 76292 – What If Vol 2 #34
  17. Earth 78922 – What If Vol 2 #34
  18. Earth 81834 – What If Vol 2 #34
  19. Earth 88292 – What If Vol 2 #34
  20. Earth 89124 – What If Vol 2 #34
  21. Earth 97292 – What If Vol 2 #34
  22. Earth 922349 – What If Vol 2 #34


Please, please send us comics to cover.


Father’s Day Special 2015

Luke and Devin discuss their dads, comics, Daken (who is the worst), J Jonah Jameson, and some What Ffs – and a new #1 on Trials of the Multiverse appears.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. Earth 11021 – What If Wolverine – Father? (goddamn it Daken)
  2. Earth 96282 – What If Vol 2  #82


Doctor Internet says! “Seppuku is a more formal form of slicing open one’s stomach and then they are usually beheaded and hara-kiri is on the spot suicide.”


The Costume Secret of X-men 92 with Scott Koblish

Luke and Devin sit down to talk to artist Scott Koblish about his Guinness World Record holding Deadpool cover, X-men 92 and the secret of the X-men 92 era costumes.


The episode of X-men 92 was “Secrets, No Longer Buried” and technically Tusk is an Inhuman who was mutated further by Apocalypse.

Journey Into The Multiversity Guidebook

Luke sits down across the Internet with Kieran Shiach of Journey Into Misery to tackle the The Multiversity Guidebook and all 52 Universes.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. All of the DC Universes and Beyond – The Multiversity Guidebook


The much more annotated notes on The Multiversity Guidebook by David Uzimeri on Comics Alliance can be found here.

The Little League Justice League first showed up in Superman/Batman Vol 1 #52 by Michael Green and Rafael Albuquerque.

Also sorry for the abrupt end, the AC came on and started to drown out the full wrap up.

Our contest way back from the Identity Wars episode is still open, so if you want to, write us an Itunes review, screen cap it and send us an email for your chance to win either a HC copy of Identity Wars or the single issues, your choice.

Send in your best and worst comic fathers and we will go over them in our Father’s Day Special!

We have one more episode coming up this week – an interview with X-men 92 Artist, Scott Koblish.

Episode 13: Gender, Sexuality, and Galactus

This week Luke and Devin discuss model minorities, sexualization of minorities, non-binary sexuality and Galactus attacking a Skrull controlled Earth.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. Earth 2318 – Exiles Vol 1 #8
  2. Earth 20318- Exiles Vol 1 #8
  3. Earth 23018- Exiles Vol 1 #8
  4. Earth 32091- Exiles Vol 1 #8
  5. Earth 971023- Exiles Vol 1 #8
  6. Earth 39102- Exiles Vol 1 #8
  7. Earth 5692 – Exiles Vol 1 #8-10
  8. Earth 9212- Exiles Vol 1 #11

Our contest way from Identity Wars is still open, so if you want to, write us an Itunes review, screen cap it and send us an email for your chance to win either a HC copy of Identity Wars or the single issues, your choice.

Send in your best and worst comic fathers and we will go over them in our Father’s Day Special!

We have two more episodes coming up this week – a crossover with Journey Into Misery and an interview with X-men 92 Artist, Scott Koblish.

Episode 12: B For Batmandetta

In our most weird and offensive episode Luke and Devin show why they need to be in person to do the podcast well as everything goes horrible just like this story where it is V For Vendetta with Batman.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. Earth ? – Batman: Holy Terror

Sorry about the quality of this episode, Origins and Luke’s father’s birthday was this weekend so he wasn’t able to give it the normal time and obviously other issues were prevalent. Back to normal next week.
Our podcast art is by Noel Vilay who currently has no site.
Our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan who has his own music here.