Episode 75: Brian Michael Bendis’ House of M

Luke and Devin start off with their House of M coverage tackling the main series and then going into more detail about the stories and items that directly connect to that series instead of horribly contradicting it (even if those stories are better). But come on, in this House of M, it just you and me, and all of the mutants.

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  • Earth58163.1 – House of M #1-8, The Pulse House of M Special, Secrets of the House of M, The Pulse Vol 1 #10, Captain America Vol 5 #10, Giant Size Ms Marvel #1


  • Episode 2 up when this one hits 50 listens.

Our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan, our not good Lifehouse remix is by Spamuel Ultronski, and our cover art is by Kyle Latino.

Image gallery after the jump

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Jessica Jonesing For An Alias

Luke and Devin do a quick rundown of Alias and then discuss the What If Jessica Jones Joined The Avengers. It’s quick and painless like you had low level imperviousness to damage!

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  1. Earth-523002 – What If Jessica Jones Had Joined The Avengers


  • No real notes this time! Devin made the image captions!

Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.

Don’t forget to check out the image gallery below! (and maybe check out our Patreon?)

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Episode 15: Mapone Zone

Luke and Devin try to find out what Mapone means along with Ben Urich in Daredevil End of Days and they discuss other characters they’d love to see set 20 years in the future.

Universes and Issues Explored:

  1. Earth-12121 – Daredevil: End of Days #1-8


Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.

Episode 7: Age of Ultron – no, not that one.

Luke and Devin discuss the comics event The Age of Ultron and then lots of comics that are better than age of Ultron. Also Luke found out how to do the volume on the recorder so the volume is up!

Universes and Issues Explored:

1. Earth 61112 – Age of Ultron – Age of Ultron #1-6
2. Earth 26111 – Age of Morgana Le Fay – Age of Ultron #6-12

Plus tie ins:
Avengers Assemble – #14 AU, #15 AU
Fantastic Four – #5 AU
The Fearless Defenders – #4 AU
Superior Spider-man – #6 AU
Ultron – #1 AU
Uncanny Avengers – #8 AU
Wolverine and the X-men – #27 AU


Luke figured out the volume so the episodes will be louder now! Score!

Also Wednesday we will be having Daredevil special where we discuss the TV show so see you then!