MultiversalQ Presents The Age of Apocalypse: Part 1

From Earth-295, the award winning 5 part documentary Age of Apocalypse, presented without commercial interruption by MultiversalQ.

Episode 1: Dawn of Apocalypse, The Ghost Known As Magneto, A Rogue Gesture, The Kelly Pact, The Flesh Shapers and The Man Called Bishop. With the vocal talents of Spamuel Ultronski (Magneto), Alex Pearlman (Apocalypse) and Jay Dawson (Henry McCoy).

Music by Rhythm Bastard. Cover art by Kyle Latino.

Episode 31: What If We Picked Some Spooky What Ifs

Luke and Devin tried to find spooky What If stories and failed. Join for overly complex vampire Dracula stories, Thing getting cured, Beast becoming a savage and a cosmic Gift of the Magi dealie.

Universes and Issues Explored: 

  1. Earth-9140 – What If Vol 2 #24
  2. Earth 8321 – What If Vol 1 #37
  3. Earth 8320 – What If Vol 1 #37
  4. Earth-8327 – What If Vol 1 #37


Our cover is by Noél Villay and our theme music is by Vibe Leviathan.

Don’t forget to check out the image gallery below! (and maybe check out our Patreon?)

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Episode 6: Wolverine Wins at Karaoke

Universes and Issues Explored:

1. Earth 8649 – Exiles Vol 1, 3-4
2. Earth ? – Spyderman – Reader Question


  • I love Waiting For The T. Here is the specific strip I was referencing.
  • The Marvel Wikia denotes that Beast and Nightcrawler are dead in Earth 8649. We have reached out to Judd Winnick to try and get official confirmation for this because while we forgot Beast was in the Trial of the Phoenix, he and Nightcrawler should have not been murdered by the Phoenix.
  • We also …Luke also feels like an idiot since he just discovered how to increase the input on the recorder so that will help with volume level and quality. Sorry for the wonky audio on this episode – we want to get a regular recording space but it has been difficult. But the next episode will be better.

We are going to be doing our Age of Ultron What If Special as well as a Daredevil TV show special.